Thursday, April 21, 2011

Scott and Ashton Lambert

Like Father Like Son

On my Texas tour I had the good fortune to take headshots for a father/son theatrical team. Scott, the father, is a director and dramturg. And he needed new headshots for work he's doing for Masquerade Theatre Company in Houston. He looks like a guy you'd want to work with wouldn't you say? Smart, handsome, warm, earnest. The pictures don't lie folks, he's all of those things and so much more.

Including and especially, proud Papa to his two boys Ashton and Duncan. And while Duncan is indeed theatrical (The Alley Theatre's 2010 Tiny Tim) it was Ashton who needed the headshots. Because this kid is absolutely certain he wants to be an actor. Certain that he is an actor. (Heck, he's logged WAY more Equity hours than I have.) He's heavily involved with Masquerade's Tribble School of Professional Musical Theatre and is throwing himself into his studies with extreme passion and dedication. And knocking socks off right and left. Click here to watch his YouTube video singing "Home" from The Wiz. He was 10 when this was performed.

He's 11 now. And straddling that line between boy and teen which I think we captured well in his photos. Remember his name and his sweet face. Because this kid is going places.