Monday, June 14, 2010

Amy Wells Kelley

This post could also be titled - When Good Things Finally Happen to Good People.....

Amy Wells Kelley is not an actor. She's a writer. Another writer? What can I say, I know A LOT of writers. And this one? Just so happens to be one of my nearest and dearest.

Amy recently had a total life transformation. In a flash of events that all happened so quickly I'm still dizzy, she quit the in-it-way-too-long Joe Job (which turned into a career due to her intelligence and work ethic) and was HIRED to WRITE full time.

Yeah, something to smile about for sure!

These pictures were actually taken for her moonlighting writing/editing job which she still does and loves. This one says book jacket to me. Book jacket! Squeal!

Oh! She's also building a website and launching her own company. In her "spare time". Which is rather genius and I have no doubt she'll sky rocket to fame and fortune, and one day I just might be lucky enough to work for her. Again.

This Cinderella story couldn't happen to a nicer more hard-working girl. And there are reasons, very significant and multiple reasons, why this is a long time coming and needed to happen to Amy. She's been through a lot. And when you think you've been through a lot, you haven't. Not like she has. And managed her trials and struggles with grace and humor and strength. So to see her finally reaping the rewards of her passion is not only well earned but well deserved.